At our house, it's Auburn football. Just the other day, I asked Bobby if he could smell it in the air. He told me (with a rolled eye), "No, not yet." But I know we are just a whiff away! ... It's coming and I love it!
I have some fun things for the Fall. Below you see a precious elephant that can of course be done in a crimson color. There is also another elephant applique that I have.
If you step in Target, Wal-Mart, etc. right now, they are having their "Back to School" promotions. Do you see the Cherokee collared shirts that are like $5? Pick one up, bring it over and I'll slap one of these AU paw prints on there for your little guy!!
Or if you want to order a long sleeve white, navy, orange, light blue, etc. shirt from me, let me know. I have all colors under the rainbow.
The same goes for Alabama fans - we can do a tiny elephant right there where a Polo man usually sits. I can pick up a white or a red shirt for you. Preppy and cute ... again, it's football season!
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